Triethanolamine pump
admin 1 13 октября 2021For dosing, pumping triethanolamine, Chemical formula (C2H5) 3N, often used the designation Et3N.
It has the following physical properties: at room temperature it is a mobile liquid. Temperaturemelting –114.8 ° C, boiling point 89.5 °C, auto-ignition temperature 240 °C.
Limitedly soluble in water, readily soluble in acetone, benzene, chloroform, miscible with ethanol, diethylon air.
Corrosive to aluminum, zinc, copper and their alloys in the presence of moisture, also for sometypes of plastic, rubber and polymer coatings, so stored in steel containers. Reacts violently with the strongoxidizers with risk of fire and explosion. The pair of three ethylamines is heavier than air, so it spreads on the ground.