Centrifugal Cantilever Pump for Water Supply Systems it is used in almost all industrial enterprises, in large systems of municipal and industrial water supply.
Designed primarily for supplying pure water (except for sea water), the total weight of impurities in which does not exceed 0.1%, as well as other liquids similar in density and structure to water. At the moment, pumps of this type can be called the most common.
A cantilever pump is a centrifugal pump with axial suction and radial discharge pipes. The impeller is located at the end of the shaft remote from the drive. The cantilever pump is equipped with an electric motor. A fairly popular device used for pumping clean water in a cold or hot state is the cantilever pump, which is of high quality and reliability.
In the composition of liquid media pumped by pumps of this type, an insignificant content of insoluble solid inclusions (no more than 0.1%) is allowed, while the particle size of such inclusions should not exceed 0.2 mm. Depending on the model and power of the used drive motor, overhung pumps can have an efficiency in the range of 60–80%.
In addition, depending on the model, pumps of this type can have a stuffing box or end (considered to be of better quality) seal.
In the first case, such devices are able to work with liquid media, the temperature of which is in the range of 0–85 °C, in the second, the temperature of the pumped water can reach 105 °C.
Due to the peculiarities of their design, pumps of this type cannot be used to equip explosion and fire hazardous industries, as well as to pump flammable liquids.