Filter paper for filter presses made by the Italian company ROVER POMPE. These are deep filter materials designed to separate solid particles from liquids. This type of filtration (press filters) allows to achieve an excellent level of beverage purification without changing the main characteristics of the product; for this reason, it is particularly appreciated for household filtration, as well as in the professional sector, for example, in wine production, pharmaceutical plants, laboratories, breweries; in short, wherever it is necessary to filter a beverage in order to serve or bottle it perfectly clean and without any trace of unwanted residues. Suitable for filtering wine, water, infusions, beer, pharmaceutical solutions, perfumes, etc.
Paper classification: coarse filter plates: Rover 0 (very cloudy wine), Rover 4 (cloudy wine); medium plates: Rover 8 (smoky wine), Rover 12/16 (clear wine); fine plates: Rover 16/18; sterile plates: Rover 18/20 (for bottling); rigid sterile plates: Rover 24 (for bottling).