* Hopper volume 0.6
* Overall dimensions , length 950 mm ; - width (with screw) 825 (1115) mm; - height 1955 mm
* Transported material: sawdust, wood chips,fine-grained coal up to 15 mm
* Humidity of the transported material, not more than 20 %
• Electric drive power consumption, 0.18 kW
* Supply voltage, 380/220 V
* Weight, not more than 95 kg
* The diameter of the chimney pipe is 108 mm.
* Dimensions of auger square tube (width x height), 136x140 mm
* Frequency of screw shaft wrapping.-1 9 min
* Screw pitch of the screw (round tube) 50
* Screw pitch of the screw (rectangular pipe) 120