Chemical pumps are intended for pumping various aggressive, toxic liquids (pumps for pumping chemicals), therefore, the main areas of their application are the chemical and petrochemical industry (pumping acids, alkalis, oil products), the paint and varnish industry (paints, varnishes, solvents, etc.) and the food industry ( pumping molasses, etc.).
Pumps for the chemical industry meet such requirements as:
Pumps that have to work in difficult conditions are made of high quality materials. This avoids wear and tear of the main structural elements leading to malfunctions in the process chain. Manufacturers pay special attention to the flow path. The performance, tightness and other characteristics of the pump are also determined by the type of seal located between the electric motor of the structure and the pumping part.
Buy chemical pumps in Ukraine for pumping chemical liquids. By contacting the specialists of by phone numbers indicated on the contact page, you will receive a high-quality selection of a chemical pump and consultation. We will be happy to help you with a solution!