Mechanical seals R-MG1 single seal with elastomer bellows, unbalanced, central spring, independent of the direction of rotation of the shaft.
Application in pumps: Alfa Laval, Ebara (3M, DWO), Lowara, KSB (Etanorm, Etachrom), WILO (MVI, MHI, IPL), Grundfos (CDM), Saer (IP), Calpeda (GM, MXS), Hecker HN 410SU.
Analogue of mechanical seals: Burgmann MG1, AESSEAL B02, Flowserve Pac-Seal 190, ROTEN L3, Vulcan 19, ANGA A1, Sterling SMG1, Lidering M212.N2, DIMER TCP.1-60, Latty T700.
The Burgmann MG1 mechanical seal is a compact, standardized, single-spring elastomer.
The main applications of Burgmann MG1 bellows-type mechanical seals are: centrifugal, rotary, screw pumps, compressors, blenders, chillers and other equipment.
They are usually used in the pulp and paper, food, alcohol, and pharmaceutical industries.
Analogue from another manufacturer: John Crane T2100.
Technical characteristics of the Burgmann MG1 mechanical seal
Rubber bellows: FKM, EPDM, Viton
Anti-friction friction pairs:
Metal parts: AISI 304 (1.4301), AISI 316 (1.4404).
Designations: MG1, MG12, MG13, MG1S20, RMG 190, 192, 193, ALC, KZN, 150 (Flowserve) B02, B012, B013, B02D, B02K, BP02 (AESSEAL) 212.